How Triangle 9 Real Estate Works


Democratized access: by using Regulation A of the JOBS Act, Triangle 9 is capitalized through equity investments that aren’t exclusive to the ultra-rich accredited investor. A minimum investment of $550 is all that’s needed to get started.


We then identify properties with tenants that are operational or development projects with high quality management teams of state-licensed Retail, Production, Distribution, and Testing businesses. We will prioritize social-equity, women-owned, minority owned, and veteran owned businesses with diverse leadership.


Next, Triangle 9 acquires properties and finances improvements, then leases them to operating companies at competitive and sustainable rates.


The Come Up – cash flows generated from leases will be reinvested into new investments to maximize potential gains for Triangle 9 investors. Upon sale of any asset, Triangle 9’s expert management team will determine whether to reinvest proceeds or distribute to investors.

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